Shortly after graduating from Veterinary school in 1984 and relocating to Connecticut, I became involved with Pointers. A stroke of luck placed a special dog into my hands. McCabe was my first Pointer and foundation sire for the Blackthorne line. He learned as I learned, competing in both conformation and field trials, eventually becoming Dual Champion Kinnike Blackthorne, only the third Dual Champion in the history of the breed. McCabe’s bloodline has produced many dual champions, as well as many bench champions and countless dogs with obedience and hunt test titles.
Consistency in soundness, breed type, and the ability to perform in the field is the paramount concern at Blackthorne. We assess our dogs’ abilities, conformation and health before we breed. I am still a practicing small animal veterinarian and understand how important soundness is in placing a puppy into a home.
I am an experienced judge of hunting tests and field trials and have served and on the Board of Directors and as Vice President of the American Pointer Club, Pointer Associates of New England and the Pointer Club of Central New Jersey. In 2011 I became a Life member of APC and was awarded AKC’s Good Sportsmanship Award.
We look forward to further accomplishments, both in the ring and in the field.
Consistency in soundness, breed type, and the ability to perform in the field is the paramount concern at Blackthorne. We assess our dogs’ abilities, conformation and health before we breed. I am still a practicing small animal veterinarian and understand how important soundness is in placing a puppy into a home.
I am an experienced judge of hunting tests and field trials and have served and on the Board of Directors and as Vice President of the American Pointer Club, Pointer Associates of New England and the Pointer Club of Central New Jersey. In 2011 I became a Life member of APC and was awarded AKC’s Good Sportsmanship Award.
We look forward to further accomplishments, both in the ring and in the field.